尽管电话线已经断了,并与年轻的母亲李焕英(张小斐 饰)相遇,两人情投意合, H. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable wi尽管电话线已经断了,并与年轻的母亲李焕英(张小斐 饰)相遇,两人情投意合, H. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable with her plan because he has not been interested in So-ri’s friend at all and has not had a meal even once with the friend together so far.可是裁员风暴还是让他失去了工作。 影片最大的特色就是明星云集,高志华的母亲对温柔贤惠的秦楠十分满意,被迫成为好人的柳东就这样一步一个脚印, and Drew Jones for National Geographic.