The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilo
The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of"jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airport, she randomly crosses paths with Ana, a photographer she’d had a passionate affair with twenty years earlier. Estelle has no way of knowing that this reunion will suck her into a nightmaresque spiral and lure her life into irrationality...
主演:丹泽尔·华盛顿,瑞安·雷诺兹,维拉·法米加,布莱丹·格里森,山姆·夏普德,卢宾·布雷兹,诺拉·阿娜泽德尔,罗伯特·帕特里克,利亚姆·坎宁安,乔尔·金纳曼,法瑞斯·法瑞斯,斯蒂芬·里德尔,丹尼尔·福克斯,翠茜·索姆斯,莎拉·阿林顿,肯尼思·霍,杰克·麦克劳克林,史蒂芬·毕肖普,法纳·莫科纳,塔尼特·菲尼克斯,纳別卡恩特普沃特,罗伯特·霍布斯,约翰·金,艾丹·怀托克,肖恩·卡梅伦·迈克尔,塞巴斯蒂安·罗奇,斯特里奥·萨万特,Sherry Stone